Saturday, November 21, 2009

• Have talent shows, wacky fashion shows, a scavenger hunt (indoor or outdoor), pillow fights, limbo contests, play board games, The Price is Right (based on the TV show), BINGO, Twister, tell jokes and riddles or show movies followed by a trivia game.

How to make him more than a friend
Tie a red ribbon around a plain container. Write your name and his name on a piece of paper, then place it into the container and cover it with honey. Channel your energy into it (focusing your intentions into it). Put the container into the freezer and this will sweeten up his feelings towards you.
Desperate and dateless
You will need:
A white cloth
A pink candle
Pen and paper
Cleanse your telephone by wiping down the reciever with a damp cloth. Light a pink candle and calmly think about your intended lover. Write down his name eight times on a piece of pink paper and hold it while you repeat this incarnation:
'Goddess, Salina, hear my plea, send my lover's words to me'
Wrap the paper up in a ball and leave it near your telephone for one month.
Get Your Crush to Kiss You
This spell will work better if you do it on a Tuesday and is best done during a waning moon. To get your crush to kiss you when you see him you will need: a red candle, paper and some red lipstick.
1. Light the red candle.
2. On the paper, draw lips with the lipstick, and then burn the paper using the candle.
3. As you burn the paper, think about the guy you like and say: ‘kiss me when you see me.... (say the guys name), kiss me. Greet me with your lips and say you missed me, but make sure you kiss me.’
Bewitching Love Spell
To win over your crush, caste this sweet spell on the half moon, before a date, party or meeting with your crush.
You will need:
5 candles
1 teaspoon of vanilla bath salts
A handful of red rose petals
5 drops of jasmine essence oil
5 crystals
Place the candles in a circle near the bath and plce the crystals in the centre of the circle. Drop the jasmine oil and bath salts into the bath and chant five times: 'Whence I bathe on this night, All my lovers will bathe in my light.' Light the candles and throw the rose petals in the bath. When you have finished your bath, blow out the candles and be ready for men to fall at your feet.
'Bring It On' Love Oil
You will need:
1 cup almond oil
5 drops lavender oil
5 willow leaves
5 apple seeds
On a Friday during the full moon, cast a circle around your stove. Place the almond oil in a small pot. Warm it and add the apple seeds and willow leaves. Add the lavender oil and keep the oil warm long enough to let the oils mix, (about 5 mins.) but, do not let it boil. Let it cool and pour it into a jar for future use. Dab a smal amount on your neck or on your pillow to bring your crush closer.
Ancient Chinese Love Potion
A traditional Chinese love potion consists of a handful of coriander seeds crushed and stirred into a glass of white wine while chanting the phrase 'Warm seed, love run strong; warm heart, let us never part'. The lovers then drink the wine, and their love is assured.
Pretty Pagan Love Potion
You will need:
2 cups spring water
3 tablespoons of sea salt
1 teaspoon basil
3 rose petals
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pink candle
enamel pan
Cast a circle around stove. Simmer ingredients for two minutes while visualising love in your life. Light the candle and picture a pink aura around the potion. When potion cools, chant: 'I weave a spell of witchery, so all boys are bewitched by me.' Pour into a jar for future use.
Aspiration Spells
Inner Strength Spell
Buy a small blue or aqua crystal (it can be any type that appeals to you). After you wash it in cool water, thoroughly dry it and leave it outside or near a window to be charged by the energy of the sun. Next, hold the crystal in your hands as you feel the heat of the sun entering your body, then sit down in a comfortable position as you breathe deeply and imagine the suns rays flowing into you and filling you with strength. Hang the crystal around your neck or keep it in your purse- touch it whenever you feel stressed or nervous.
Find the answer
You will need:
3 pink candles, a red rose, a white rose, a small square of silk, a nice looking bowl (for effect), some matches
First you place the three candles in the shape of a triangle.Then you place the bowl between them. Inside the bowl you put the square of silk and on top of that you place the two roses. Light the candles then focus all of your energy and chant:
"Spirits within, I call on thee, To bring the answer, clear to me."
Then ask the question and place a piece of your hair in the bowl. Drop a burning match into the bowl and when it dies down, put the bowl by your bed. Within a few days,the answer to your question should be clearer.
Note: If you do not believe with all your soul, the spell may not work properly.
Peace within yourself
Put 3 white flowers (any kind) in a bowl of water.
Put in 1 drop of vanilla essence.
Place a strand of your hair in it and stir.
Drop in some glitter. Place in a small jar in your room.
Dab some on your body every now and then.
If you haven't done your home work, and you're worried about being picked on in class, you should chant these words while looking at your teacher:
`God and Goddess hear my need
And understand why i should plead
For magic shafts of astral light
To hide me from this teachers sight
I haven't done my work you see
So please dont let them pick on me
Guide them to a mind so bright
They'll surely find the answers right!'
Inner strength and aspiration
‘I call the light of golden rays I seek protection thus, I pray. For heavenly forces at my side, angels, sages, spirit guides or wolves that walk with cunning skill come to my aid!
Come at my will! Black bird soaring light my path so I am victim to no one's wrath!
And when my journey knows success, all those who aid me Goddess bless!’
While you are studying, burn blue and brown candles (for wisdom) and your favourite incense or essential oil.
On the day of the test roll a fresh stick of the same incense on your fingers to let off the smell, or if you used oils put a few drops on your temples.
Bring a seashell home from the beach, and place a few grains of sand in it - this represents time unfolding happily.
Place a few strands of your hair in with the sand, and then put the shell in a star shaped container, or make a five-pointed star out of ribbons and flowers, and place the shell in the centre.
Wish hard, for a minute or two, for luck and happiness - they will find you now.
A Wishing Pod
You will need:
A seed pod from any tree or an eggshell
One piece of paper
Pictures or drawings to represent your wish
To make your dreams come true take your seed pod or eggshell and on your piece of paper write down what your wish or dream is and decorate it with the pictures of your wish.
Make sure you put your intention beind what your you want by making it as real as possible. Place the paper in the pod or eggshell and bury it in a young pot plant or a new tree.
Now let the Gods & Goddesses take over.
Sweet Dreams
This spell it is best to make a magic pillow which you place red rose petals, honeysuckle flowers, allspice, and a lock of the spellmaker's own hair are all placed together and sewn up in muslin. The bag should then be moistened thoroughly with oil of pine. When you place this under your pillow the person you wish for should dream only dreams of thyself.
Spell for Successful Studying and Exams
When you are studying burn five drops of rosemary and two drops of lemon oil in an oil burner to help mental clarity and easy recall of facts and figures.
Keep a piece of citrine quartz crystal with you when studying and doing exams to help ensure logical and creative mental efficiency!
Spell To Banish Negativity
To banish negative energy place an onion quarter in each corner of you room overnight. The next day, wearing rubber gloves, chop them up and bury them. Do this for 3-7 days in a row.
Glamour Spell: For When You Need to Make a Big Entrance!
For this spell wear colourful, flamboyant and luscious clothes. Or wear opulent jewellery - stones of topaz, sapphire and ruby.
Stand in the centre of four lit red candles that have been anointed with cinnamon oil to invoke the blessings of the night when glamour and mystery abound. Repeat:
'Guardians of the night, Bless me so that I radiate a beautiful light, and bewitch all held in my sight.'
In your minds eye see the flames leap up and join above your head, spiralling into the cosmos and know that you are the centre of all beauty and glamour in the universe.
Money Gaining Spell
This is best done at the full moon. Fill a cauldron half-full of water and drop in a silver coin. Position the cauldron so that light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the moon's sliver. While doing this, repeat the following 3 times:
Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your Wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with sliver and gold.
All you give my purse can hold.
When finished pour the water upon the earth.
Friendship Spells
Bully freeze
You will need:
* dark purple paper
* white chalk light
* blue ribbon
* access to a freezer
Using the chalk, write the bully's name on the paper, then draw a vertical line down through the name
Roll up the paper to form a scroll and tie with the ribbon.
Open the freezer and deposit the scroll, saying:
"Freeze (name of person), freeze. This bulling must cease. You will not bother me and you must now go in peace."
Close the freezer and visalise the bully losing interest and all fear draining from you.
How to make friends
Have you ever wanted to become friends with that really nice girl in your class.... but you’re too shy? Well here is how you do it....
You will need....
1 pink, rose scented candle
2 drops of rose wood oil
1 pinch of sugar
An object of the girl/boy who you want to become friends with.... eg. A pen
What to do...
1. Light the candle and let the wax drip into a bowl
2. Put the bowl of wax on a hot plate
3. Add 2 drops of rose wood oil to the bowl of wax
4. Add the pinch of sugar
5. Mix them together and take off hot plate...leave the candle burning while all this happens
6. Then say the name of the person who you want to become friends with 3 times and say ‘Name, name, name, come and be my true friend’ while holding the object of theirs in your left hand
7. Blow the candle out while holding the object of the person in your left hand and in the right have it on the wax, oil and sugar mix.
8. Repeat this every night as the moon is rising till you become good friends with her/him
Stay friends forever
You will need:
A blue candle for happiness and healing
A pink or red candle for love
A gold candle for positivity
Incense of your choice
A dark blue piece of card for presence of mind
A red pen for courage and ambition.
Light the candles in a circle along with the incense, and in a dark room sit in this circle made of candles and write the names of the friends you wish to remain with forever.
As well, write the following: ‘Friends are always there for me, and I shall be there for them too. To make that true, I have done the spell from my heart to ensure safety and positivity at all times. Blessed be.’
In an open fire, burn the card with every member that you have written on the card. Make sure all members are there, or else the spell will not work.
Finish with raising power or chanting around the fire.
Spell to Attract Good Friends
Creat this spell on a Thursday during the waxing moon, third hour after sunset.
You will need:
A blue candle
1 drop cedarwood oil
1 pinch of nutmeg
The Ace of Cups card from the tarot deck or a photo or magazine picture of someone whose personality qualities you admire and want to attract.
Carve the symbol for the planet Jupiter (looks like the number 4) and rub the oil and nutmeg over it. Light the candle, focus on the card or photo and repeat:
'True friendship comes to me, Happily and easily.'
Snuff the candle Repeat this ritual every night for seven nights until the full moon if possible.
Friends Forever
To ensure that your friendship lasted for a long time, some cloves are sewn up in two little bags, one being carried at all times by each of the friends concerned.
For Naughty Witches Who Have Been Doing Too Much Hexing
You will need:
Black pen or ink
Essentual oils
Brass dish
Gold candle
A pin
On a Sunday morning as the sun rises, write a list of all the bad things you have done and then prick your thumb and put a thumbprint of your blood on the paper. Light the candle, burn the oils on the charcoal in the dish as you read your list and feel truely remorseful. When you feel ready light the list in the candle flame and throw into the dish to burn. When everything has burned and only ashes remain, rub your hands with these ashes and then wash your hands with soap and water as you say:
'My past is cleansed
my future blessed
no more my sleep
shall bring unrest'
Dry your hands in the warmth of the candle flame and sun. You now have a clean slate!
Birthday Ritual
When holding a birthday celelbration for a friend, rather than putting candles on the cake - invite the guests to each bring a candle into which they have carved their name and their wish for the friend. Set the candles up around the cake and instead of blowing out the candles the birthday person lights them as everyone sings 'Happy Birthday'. Keep the candles burning through out the party to bring everyone's good wishes into the birthday person's life.
Fiona Horne: Life's a Witch!

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