Saturday, November 21, 2009

Struggling to save cash? Follow these handy hints and you could one day be a gazillionaire!
Write down how much money you earned in the past month (pocket money + wages from your part-time job).
Write down how much money you spent in the past month (don't forget the little things, like chocolate bars or cheap pairs of earrings).
Now comes the moment of truth. If you want to save money, the second figure needs to be less that the first ie. you need to earn more than you spend.
If this isn't the case, you need to adjust your lifestyle. It's not hard, and you can be creative about doing it - for example you could sit in the park and laugh at funny looking dogs instead of maxing out your credit card on faux solid gold designer handbags (and then having your knees broken by the credit agency). Or if dog-watching's not your thing, do an internet search for free events happening in your area. You don't have blow the bank to have a good time.
The best way to save money is the most obvious one: put it in the bank. Most banks have cheap student rates, and some offer special savings-booster accounts - for example, e-saver accounts can only be accessed via the internet or phone, which means you can't dip into them with your debit card. This kind of forced saving rules, because let's face it, most of us blow wads of cash (without even realising) on minor crap like chewing gum, cans of drink and random shiny trinkets. Chuck your change in your bank account and then leave it for a few months. You'll get interest (money for free - booyah), and when you next check your balance you could be surprised at how much you haven't splurged.
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