Saturday, November 21, 2009

Aries Rising
Under the sign that symbolises the pioneers who lead the way, you Aries like to be on top in whatever you are doing. You are a born leader and achiever. Your personality is direct and uncomplicated. You are also action-oriented, self-willed, fiery, eager, ambitious, headstrong, and persistent. You seek activities which propel you onto the center stage in your immediate environment.

Generally, you are quick in formulating plans and taking action on them. For this reason you are better in starting things. Your innate intuition helps you to balance your impetuous thoughts and actions. Although you are full of ideas, sometimes you oversimplify. Concepts which cannot be translated into action are less interesting to you.
In love, you may be as impulsive and impetuous as in other things. Your love of challenge and action sometimes (or frequently) may lead you on a path of continuous experimentation if not conquests. Since you are highly sexed, in these times variety may be more important to you than quality. You can be single-minded and fiery-romantic in your pursuits, and you can be very passionate in the initial stages of your affairs.
Depending on how you choose to utilise the energies, you can be courageous or risky, inspiring or dominating, generous or taking, pioneering or opportunistic, passionate or self-gratifying.

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